旅行英会話(Trave English)

今まで行ったことが無い場所や、今後行ってみたい場所、既に行った場所などに ついて語り合いましょう。


1. Tell something about the pictures.

Machu Picchu, Peru
It was built around the 15th century, but this place was not recorded by the Spanish Conquistador, who appeared to destroy the place in the year 1530. This place is also still not known the purpose of development, despite many signs that the place has a different center of worship


Babylonians, Iraq
The original name of this city is a "chapter-ili" which means "gate of god". The city is known at the time of broad classical era, as the city with the beautiful "Hanging Garden" which includes one of the Seven World miracle


Palenque, Mexico
Ruins of Palenque is one of the most important archaeological sites of Maya tribes in Mexico and Central America. City built on a cliff with beautiful bays of Mexico, Palenque as if hidden in the tropical forest in the mountains Tumbala feet, Chiapas, Mexico.


2. Have you ever been to any of these places?

3. If you had the choice, which of these places would you like to visit? Why?