Hello everyone! I'm Teacher Avi. I've been teaching English for more than 5 years now. I started my teaching career as an online English teacher in 2007. I always feel that teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable! My goal here is to let students know and feel satisfied learning English. As a teacher, I provide students with a performance-based evaluation of the accomplishment for each lesson. I also try to help students with their desire to learn English, exercise their own voice in their interactions with others and establish skills that they anticipate they will need in the future. My areas of specialization in teaching are Business English, vocabulary, pronunciation, free talk, News, EIKEN, English for kids, Basic English, Intermediate English and Advance English. In order to make students relaxed in the class, I always try to establish a good relationship with them. I am very positive and cheerful. I try to be perky to create a friendly atmosphere in class. I enjoy learning about different customs and culture of people from other countries. Now that I teach Japanese students, I have so many opportunities to learn a lot about Japan. It's good to know about a country with a culture which is totally different from my own. I like their traditional architecture and Japanese food as well, especially, sushi, sashimi and ramen. I believe in the motto "Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly, you'll realize that you are already doing the impossible." So hope we could start learning English together. Let's learn English in a fun and effective way. Thank you!
Avi先生はホテル&レストランマネジメントを大学で学びました。英語講師としては5年以上の経験があります。先生は英語を教えることがとても大好きで、様々な国の色んな文化や特徴や人々の事を生徒さんと学びながら分かち合うのを楽しみにしています。先生は生徒さんと良い関係を築くために、また生徒さんの信頼を得られるように常に努力しています。 得意分野:ビジネス英語、語彙、発音、フリートーク、ニュース記事、英検対策、お子様向けのレッスン、初級~上級英語
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