Hi my name is Obi! My knowledge with the English Language started when I was in pre-school where the English Language was the medium of instruction that is used with most of my classes. In college, I took Business Administration and graduated with a major in Electronic Business. Currently I am taking my MBA here in the United States with a concentration in International Business because I believe that ones willingness to learn should be continuous. We should not stop learning. My career started out as a customer service associate handling clients all over United States where my experience helped me improve my communication in the English Language. I love to travel. Communication is a tool to enhance your skills so we should utilize it. I currently have 5 dogs and I love spending time with them. I consider them as my best friends and my stress relievers. I love hanging out with friends during my free time and I love spontaneous trips especially to the beach. I love the sea and the sand and the beauty of nature. I love sushi and sashimi and I would love to see the beauty of the cherry blossoms one day. I am an enthusiastic, I can impart what I know and what I have learned so far with my own educational journey. I would like to help students learn English and make them comfortable with the language. Areas of Specialization: Business English, Basic English, Intermediate English, English for Kids, Vocabulary, Free Talk "To teach is to influence and influence never dies."
Obi先生は、ペットのワンちゃんと過ごす時間、そしてフィリピンのビーチが大好きです♪ビジネス英語、そしてお子様とのレッスンが得意分野です。アクティブで優しいObi先生のレッスンを受講されてみてはいかがでしょうか! 得意分野:ビジネス英語、基礎英語、中級英語、お子様へのレッスン、語彙、フリートーク
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