Hi there! I'm Teacher Dani. I'm new to teaching online classes but still I am very excited to start because the subject will be all about English plus I get to meet new people everyday who are willing to learn the language. I am a news writer. I loved writing ever since I was a kid. I think this is because I also love reading. I like words and stories. I love reading Greek mythology, comics, novels, classic literature, fashion blogs, anything. My other hobbies include drawing and playing the guitar. So I guess, you can say I love the arts. Being a writer is a lot like teaching. The goal is to make the other person understand, to have a difficult thing become easier. That is why I also like teaching. I want to share what I have learned in an easier way. Another great thing about teaching is that it is a two way process- the teacher also learns from the student. I would love to visit Japan someday so maybe by then I'll know a lot of things already just by listening to your stories. English may not be easy at first. It takes practice just like any other language. But it is also important to not take away the “fun” out of learning. Would you believe that I got better at it by watching English cartoons and TV shows? Everything is a step by step process, so take your time and enjoy the journey. I want to be part of your journey in learning the language so maybe we can work together in the learning process. I specialize in: vocabulary grammar pronunciation Basic English Intermediate English Advanced Englsih Everyday English Simple English
Dani先生はSanto Tomas大学でジャーナリズムについて学びました。 彼女は若く、オンラインの英会話講師としては新人ですが、落ち着いておりしっかりした性格です。生徒さんと一緒に成長してゆきたいと話してくれました。英語習得は容易ではありませんが、ゆっくりと楽しく学んでゆきましょう♪ 得意分野:文法、語彙、基礎英語~上級英語まで
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